
Welcome to @VaccinationEU website. You'll find extended data that you can't find on our Twitter bot and all annotations about the sources. Enjoy!

🇪🇺 EU progress

People with at least 1 dose:

People fully vaccinated:

People with a booster:

📑 Current situation

Here you can find a table with all EU countries vaccination shares and a few extra countries to provide context. By default, the table is sorted by fully vaccinated people in descending order.

Click on the headers to sort the table as you wish.

Country People fully vaccinated People with at least 1 dose Week on week increment* Boosters Last update

*increment of people fully vaccinated.

**70% of people fully vaccinated. This is just a prediction based on the average amount of second doses or single-dose vaccines administered in the last 7 days. This makes the prediction variable depending on last week's pace. Please, do not take it as carved in stone. 70% of fully vaccinated people is the goal set by most governments. However, bear in mind that in light of the surge of new variants, this is not enough to achieve herd immunity anymore.

***Bulgaria is not providing people with at least 1 dose data.

Iceland and Norway participate in the European Commission's joint procurement despite not being members of the European Union.

📊 Share of people vaccinated against COVID-19

🔍 Sources

Shares are calculated using population data from Eurostat. European Union states are updated as soon as the data is published on the source with a maximum delay of 1 hour. Non-EU countries are updated once a day in the morning.

Country Source
Population https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/
Austria https://info.gesundheitsministerium.gv.at/opendata/
Belgium https://epistat.wiv-isp.be/covid/
Bulgaria https://coronavirus.bg/bg/statistika
Croatia https://www.koronavirus.hr
Cyprus https://www.moh.gov.cy/moh/moh.nsf/All/0EFA027144C9E54AC22586BE0032B2F5
Czechia https://onemocneni-aktualne.mzcr.cz/covid-19
Denmark https://covid19.ssi.dk/overvagningsdata/download-fil-med-vaccinationsdata
Estonia https://opendata.digilugu.ee
Finland https://sampo.thl.fi/pivot/prod/en/vaccreg/cov19cov/fact_cov19cov?column=measure-533185.533172.433796.533175&row=cov_vac_dose-533174L
France* https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/donnees-relatives-aux-personnes-vaccinees-contre-la-covid-19-1/
Germany https://impfdashboard.de/
Greece https://www.data.gov.gr/datasets/mdg_emvolio/
Hungary https://koronavirus.gov.hu//cikkek/5-millio-606-ezer-beoltott-74-az-uj-fertozott-elhunyt-4-beteg
Ireland https://covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arcgis.com/
Italy https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/covid19-opendata-vaccini/master/dati/somministrazioni-vaccini-latest.csv
Latvia https://data.gov.lv/dati/eng/dataset/covid19-vakcinacijas
Lithuania https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/cab84dcfe0464c2a8050a78f817924ca/page/page_3/
Luxembourg https://covid19.public.lu/fr.html
Malta https://github.com/COVID19-Malta/COVID19-Cases
Netherlands https://github.com/YorickBleijenberg/COVID_data_RIVM_Netherlands/tree/master/vaccination/daily-dashboard-update
Poland https://www.gov.pl/web/szczepimysie/raport-szczepien-przeciwko-covid-19
Portugal https://github.com/dssg-pt/covid19pt-data
Romania https://datelazi.ro/
Slovakia https://github.com/Institut-Zdravotnych-Analyz/covid19-data
Slovenia https://covid-19.sledilnik.org/en/stats
Spain https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov/vacunaCovid19.htm
Sweden https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/vaccination-mot-covid-19/statistik/statistik-over-registrerade-vaccinationer-covid-19/
Norway Our World in Data
Iceland Our World in Data
Switzerland Our World in Data
United Kingdom Our World in Data
United States Our World in Data

*France counts as fully vaccinated people those with one dose of a double dose vaccine who had a previous infection. We are representing the data according to the official interpretation of fully vaccinated of the French government. However, you can find other interpretations, like in Our World in Data, where people with previous infections and a single dose are not counted as fully vaccinated.

👥 About us

This bot has been created by Blas Gómez (@blasf1) and Juan Carlos Alfaro (@alfaro96_). You can find the whole project and all the datasets with the published data on GitHub.